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version: 2.0

What's Up?

"Skipped" Feeding Result Type Added Tuesday, January 2nd, 2011

A "skipped" result is used to indicate a "non-feeding" where an animal was scheduled for feeding but meal was skipped due to something such as shed-cycle, illness etc. Selecting the "skipped" meal result option automatically sets the "Food Item", "Quantity", "Grams", and "Presentation" values to null.

Brad Sillasen, a.k.a "monklet"

New "Express Feeder" Option Tuesday, December 28th, 2010

For the keeper with a busy schedule who just needs to keep basic feeding data, without meal weights and long notes etc., SerpenTrack has added a new tool to allow you to feed multiple animals in one form submission. You may access the new "Express Feeder" via the button on your "my Snakeroom" page. Mass feedings once entered may always be edited via the normal "Event Editor". We hope this makes your life just a little easier and more convenient. Please feel encouraged to offer feedback as to what and how things could work better for you as a SerpenTrack keeper.

Brad Sillasen, a.k.a "monklet"

Advertise Specimens for Sale Sun, November 28th, 2010

SerpenTrack keepers can now add a "Sale On" event which will display a form allowing interested parties to make contact via SerpenTrack's internal messaging system. Just use the "Sale Off" to turn of the "For Sale" status. Hopefully you'll also get to add a "Sold" event or two as well.

Prospective buyers, please look for the green "For Sale" button indicating any specimens which are currently on the block.

Brad Sillasen, a.k.a "monklet"

Weight & Length Graphs Added! Monday, June 21st, 2010

For those of you who are big on 'stats' and weigh and measure your snakes you can now view that data in graph form to make quick and easy sense of it all. The graphing feature is "turned-on" for any specimen that has a minimum of two data points (events) for the respective graph metric (weight, length). Meal weight data is also graphed as available. You can also opt to share your graphs on your specimen "Web Pages" on a per specimen basis.

Over time, with complete data sets, these graphs will offer valuable insight into growth trends based upon meal weight and interval, allowing you to optimize your feeding schedule to minimize cost and maximize growth.

Brad Sillasen, a.k.a "monklet"

Version 2 Rollout Friday, March 26th, 2010

Newly redesigned home page and improved "look & feel". New features include:

  • User elected "Specimen of the Week"
  • Ongoing Polls
  • Regular "Featured Species" Articles
  • Weight field for Feeding Events
  • Searchable "Flyout" menu for "Browse by Taxa"

I've also taking heed of some style tips from other users to make a more intuitive interface.

Special thanks to lifetime herpetologist and keeper Gerald Keown, founder and director of the Southwest Center for Herpetological Research, for patiently providing generous and invaluable assistance in helping find and smooth off some of the rough edges, offering numerous useful suggestions, consulting on some of the difficult and controversial taxonomy issues, and for his encouragement in helping this website be the best it can be.

A hearty thanks also to my keeper mentor, Diego Ortiz, who's positive energy fanned the flames of this projects inception, and who took precious time from his busy life to help with concept formulation and site shakedown. Diego's encouragement as well as his careful and knowledgable ways as a keeper are a big part of the reawakening of my childhood passion for snake husbandry.

Brad Sillasen, a.k.a "monklet"

SerpenTrack Site Launch! Saturday, March 6th, 2010
No more sleepless nights. The day you've all been waiting has finally arrived, so now's the time to jump on board and start trackin'.

All the core features are in place to get you started with plenty more in store including:

  • Regular articles by expert keepers to offer the best advice on everything about snake husbandry. (Are you an expert who'd like to contribute?)
  • Photo of the Week
  • Keeper Spotlight
  • Species of the month
  • Fun and informative polls
  • the "Keeper's Market"
  • ...and whatever else we can come up with that will make this website work best for you and the snake keeper community.

And in the short term you'll seen more functional enhancements and additions including:

  • Improved reporting and sorting tools
  • Collection search tools and list filtering
  • Helpful new features for "my Snake Room"

Of course, as this website is brand new there'll be a bug here and there and some features you'd find helpful that aren't built yet. SerpenTrack can only be its best with your feedback and input. Please use the "Contact Form" to let us know if something breaks or you have an idea that might help. That kind of support in the early stages is what will help form and strengthen this project.

SerpenTrack is confident that you'll find its snake husbandry tracking tools helpful and easy to use as well a great way to share your collection with other snake lovers. By and by we hope to gain the "critical mass" necessary to support all the extra features mentioned above and provide a fun and exciting daily "web-stop" to a vibrant community of reptile enthusiasts.

So, if you haven't already, register and get in gear. Once you've made the move, get into the routine, and see your tracking data stack up, you'll be glad you did.

Brad Sillasen, a.k.a "monklet"

This is the page to check on a regular basis for new stuff, what's in the works and other news and timely tidbits. I'll try to be good and make sure this doesn't go dead. I'll also be looking for keeper input to keep the drive alive so use the "Contact Form"to offer your suggestions.

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