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version: 2.0

Terms of Use & Privacy

Terms of Use

1. Liability
SerpenTrack has every intention of providing a useful web-based service and will not knowingly in any way conduct unfair, unethical or immoral practice. As a web-based service open to user input it is beyond reason to expect SerpenTrack to constantly monitor and sanitize all user input to which visitor's might be exposed. In registering and using SerpenTrack you implicitly agree to accept the possibility that some material will be offensive to certain users/visitors. As such, SerpenTrack will be held harmless in all cases.

2. Your Data
Your valuable data is always available for export using our export tools. SerpenTrack© will make every reasonable attempt to safeguard your data on our website but stuff happens and if it does, sorry we did our best...bottom line, if you do your exports on a regular basis you're good. If you are lazy or forget be assured that we back up and off-load our data on a regular basis and unless there's an ET impact, a nuclear war, or some other major bummer, your data is fine.

3. Abuse
SerpenTrack© strongly discourages abusive use and behavior, insults directed at other account users and submission of fowl language and any sexually, ethnically, racially, religously, politically or otherwise offensive textual or image content. Discovery of such abuse will result in a strong warning and/or immediate removal of such content and possibly blockage of that user's account. Just pretend someone's little kids visit this site, which they just might.

4. The Law
Submission of any content which encourages, supports or advertises any illegal activity will be grounds for immediate blockage of the submittor's account and perhaps even a report to LE. This even includes laws we as snake keepers don't necessarily agree with. The law must be respected in all cases.

5. Common Sense
Just act like a respectable human being even if you're not and everthing will be o.k. Be aware that I might have to pull the plug on your account if you are naughty, and I'm sure you know by now what "naughty" is.

6. Account Duration
Unless you willfully and egregiously violate the above terms and/or defy any warnings issued your account will be retained along with full access for as long as this website is in operation. If for any reason this website is to be discontinued, an email advisory will be issued to your regisration email address. Hopefully that will allow time for you to perform a data export but if not, shame on you for not exporting on a regular basis.



SerpenTrack© respects your privacy in all cases.

1. Account Email Address The email address you submit with your registration will be used only for correspondence directly from SerpenTrack© and only for purposes of account notifications and other "opt in" useages such as email notifications of private messages and action reminders. They will not be exposed on the website under any conditions except in the user's account editing window and will never be shared with any entities outside SerpenTrack© for any reason.

2. Personal Information Personal information including first name, last name, city and state will be exposed in the user's profile and elsewhere on this website only if those data fields have been submitted by the user and then, only if the privacy level "None" has been selected in the user's "my Account" screen.

3. Specimen Data Specimen data, not including keeper and keeper info, may be exposed for any and all specimens for which the "Visibility" option "Public" has been seleced. The user associated with any such specimen will be exposed only if the user has selected either "None" or "Limited" privacy option has been selected by the user on the "my Account" screen.


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